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Christmas is not over yet.....

I hope that you all have a had a fantastic and wonderful Christmas. I learnt, this Christmas, is to not make plans so far in advance. Here is how the story goes.
Last year I had made plans with my sister in law that we would spend 2009 Christmas with us, as we would have the younger of the children and then 2010 Christmas would be with them, as they would have the younger of the children. Of course their Little Miracle decide that she wanted to be born one week before Christmas, 2009. Needless to say we didn't see them all that year for Christmas. Then on to this year. Three days before Christmas I noticed that Nathaniel had a 'pimple' on his forehead. I thought that he was a bit young to be having things like that. The next day I noticed it had popped and also that he had lots of spots on his back. I thought that maybe it was chicken pox, as half his grade came down with it before the end of school, but he seemed ok. He was swimming and playing as usual.
Well, the next day, the day before Christmas he wakes up with such a fever, that we rushed him straight to the doctor. It was confirmed that he had chicken pox. So all plans for Christmas were cancelled. We had planned to go to Chuch, then open presents then go to Nic's family then to mine.
The poor boy was covered in spots. He had it in his hair, on the rims of his eyelids, his palms. Funny enough he was covered from the top of his head to about mid thigh. There were just a few here and there on his legs and feet. He was so itchy and uncomfortable and didn't sleep well at all. The medicine didn't seem to be working, but there was nothing more that we could give him. It is actually really hard to not scratch and also to tell him not to scratch. He came up with all sorts of excuses like he's 'brushing' his hair or he's just rubbing it. It made me laugh.
Thankfully it is nearly over now. His spots are scabing, which means he's not contagious anymore, the sad thing is all these scabs all over his body. He is such a photogenic and beautiful child it's so hard seeing him with so many spots. Of course the spots will go and fade over time. I had to go to the shops today to exchange something and of course had to take him with. I made him wear his 'ninja' mask. It's two tubes of fabric that he arranges on his face that all you see are his eyes. It works well when he keeps it on. A lady behind me in the queue just said 'Chicken pox'. Of course all I could say was 'yes' and motion to Nathaniel to pull his 'ninja' mask down more. I even went to buy him a peak cap as he was starting to get hot. He looked like a gangster, it was so funny.
The reason that Christmas is not over yet is because we are going to still celebrate with my side of the family and I can't wait. I've kept ingredients aside to make more mince pies, shortbread and maybe some fruit goo pudding. Don't you just love Christmas food and at the same time really despise it! We're also only exchanging gifts then as well. I was really looking forward to freeing up some space in my house.
I do think that we're going to be celebrating at the end of January as Amy has some suspicious spots on her tongiht, so the morning will tell if she has chicken pox. If she does, it will not be fun at all. Amy not only has boundless energy but also a very stubborn streak and is always determined to do things her way. Yes, she is only two!
On to the Hobby horses that I was making for the kids. I had many sleepless nights whether they would like them and you know what, they did! Whew!! My mom-in-law and sister-in-law thought that we had bought them which made me feel a bit better, although my mom-in-law thought we had bought them at Everlasting (shop were you get really really cheap stuff). I'm not too sure if that's a compliment, but I'll take it as one!
In my last post, I had shown a little bit of what I had done. Here is some more:
Here is the fabric that started it all - Spongebob. Not my most favourite character, but the kids like him.
I honestly can't remember where I got the pattern for the hobby horse from, so if you recognise it, let me know. Here is a few of the steps:
Cutting out the shape.
I doubled stitched it as I thought it would be stronger.
All stuffed and ready for eyes and reins.

They turned out quite cute. We only put the sticks on the night before Christmas, really bad, I know. We used a nail gun to put them on the stick and then I wrapped some tape around it.
I called them Seahorses, as they really do look like seahorses. I said to the kids that they were seahorses from Spongebob. I've got a few pics of Amy riding on it, I'm really great at taking pictures of the back of the kids!

You can see the other two horses 'tied to the hitching post' or just leaning casually against the wall. I'm glad that the kids liked the seahorses, made me feel a bit better.

Next thing I'm going to tell  you all about is the beatiful angels that I found at Pink Paper Peppermints. I had bought candy canes awhile ago to do some crafts with the kids and had a lot left over. This is perfect.
You can find the instructions here -
Here is how mine turned out.

 I just used a bit of sticky tape to secure the candy canes.
 Our tree at home.

I gave to each person in the family and wrote their name on each one. I think it's a nice idea to give these as a little token as it's not expensive. A little verse on it would be nice too.
I hope you all have a really great New years. We always have a very quite New years, at home watching movies and the Royal Variety Show.


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