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Better late then never

So much has happened since the last time I blogged. School started a bit bumpy. Amy started a new school so it took her a while to get settled, but now she absolutely loves it. Nathaniel went to grade 1, in the same school, but didn’t seem to settle as well. It was so stressful but now he loves it. I can’t believe it has taken me so many months to blog again. Since the kids have started school again I don’t have as much time as I did last year. Fetching them by 12:15 doesn’t give me much of a work day. Back to crafts, I have been working on a few things: Invites for my birthday; 2 presents for 2 different kids and Mom’s who care gifts.

The invite I’ve done is really cute and my second choice. My first choice was a 3D shoe which I saw at skip to my Lou. I just couldn’t find the right paper that was A4 and also the colour I wanted. In the end I went with a corset shape and designed around that. I got the paper from a place called ‘Paper chain’. They are in Pinetown, just by Walton’s, across from Gelofte School. They have such nice things there and I just got scraps of paper in the colours that I love. The scraps range from A5 size and some are long and thin. I chose quite a few colours, but in the end I chose pink and black for the invite. While shopping at Knowles Spar I found the most beautiful wrapping paper which has a velvety texture. It was fantastic and I just fell in love with it. I used that as the corset shape for all the invites. I added a bit of textured paper, also from Paper chain. I feel that there is something missing though with the invite, it needs something else, like a bit of ‘bling’!

The presents that I am doing are for two boys and the one is an idea from a website I found and the other is an original creation of mine.

The first birthday was at the beginning of April. His Mom had mentioned that she wanted to get him an art kit to take around with him. So I started on a fantastic art kit. It included chalk, crayons, paint, play dough, brushes, rulers, scissors, books and paper. I designed it to have various pockets to hold all the different things. He loved it, which made me feel happy. His Mom said that he was mostly thrilled about the scissors. The fabric was red sponge bob fabric and denim. Of course, continuing with my trend of forgetting to take photos, there are no photos to look at, but have been promised some action shots!

The second birthday was at the end of April and this little boy loves dinosaurs. I found a tutorial from Stitch craft.
It is a play mat which when folded up looks like a volcano. I did mine differently and didn’t add the cave that she did. It turned out really well and he also loved it. It was a really quick project and overall pretty easy to make.

Mom’s who care is a group that I belong to at both of the kid’s school. It is a group of moms and dads who get together and pray for anyone who has needs within the school. I’m new to the group as I only started last year. At the end of last year I went to a national meeting of Mom’s who care. I did not realise how big it really is, I thought it was just within our school. It is actually all over the world. The MWC’s meet four times a year at different venues. The first one this year was at Umhlanga at a Church called ‘The Rock’. There is always a guest speaker and the gentleman who came this year spoke so wonderfully and really inspired us all. Another exciting topic was fire trail and you can read all about it here.  We also received a little gift of a bookmark. In May is our area’s turn to host and we are so excited. I’ve asked to do the gifts for all who attend and we’ve decided on tissue holders embroidered with MWC. It is really exciting and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. We’ve decided on Royal blue corduroy with MWC in white with little stars around.

Otherwise things seem to go on, life is busy with school, homework, work and family. I have a meeting with a CMT on Monday to see if I can mass produce my trolley covers, so wish me luck. Hopefully more opportunity can come from this meeting.


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