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A few months later....

So much has always happened since the last timed I've blogged.
June was filled with lots of birthdays and a weekend away with the family. Then came the June/July holidays which I really enjoyed with the kids. It was so nice to wake up and not have to rush to get out the house. We even had a few days when we were in our pj's till 12. My car was at the mechanic for a while, but it didn't deter our fun. We would walk to my mom in law or just have fun at home.
August was our wedding anniversary and two days later was his birthday.
The time has just seem to have flown so fast.
I've been up to so many projects. I've been working with a factory and they started out so well. Now their work is so untidy and other little problems. Lately when I go see them to get my work, they haven't completed it and I have to wait while they finish. Just lately I have phoned to see how much the next batch of stuff will be and they haven't even completed it. They are pretty far away from where I live and to go all that way and they haven't finished, would really irritate me. I'm thinking that this is not a good idea anymore. I like things done properly and on time. I'm hard to work with because I am such a perfectionist, but if you think about it, would you want to buy a badly made item?

On to better things. Here are some of the things I have been making:

I get these patterns which are so easy to make and got such a cute little dress pattern for Amy. It is so so so easy to make and is so quick. It's made for stretch fabric and I had such cute hello kitty fabric and some cute monkey fabric. These are some of her favourite dresses.

In the same patterns I've made Nathaniel some pj pants. He said he just wanted pants and so I made two pairs. Then he tried them on and said he wanted shirts to go with. That's next on the list.
They were quick to make, but it takes a while with me because I don't have an over locker so I zig zag each seam.
Off the topic a bit, but I don't seem to understand over lockers or they just don't like me. It has nothing to do with the threading, that's the easy part! I sold my over locker many years ago because it kept giving me problems. I kept going for lessons to try and get it right.

The other item I'm making for Nathaniel is shorts. He chose the pattern and it had to have pockets, at his request. I just have to put the elastic in the waist and then they're done.

The most exciting thing that I have made is the tent. I call it a circus tent, because that is what it looks like to me. I'm trying to make tents that don't require tables because everybody has different sized tables, so it would be hard to sell. That is also an observation from some customers as well. This tent took all of my hungry caterpillar fabric and I had to get more.
 It takes about 8 meters of fabric and that is the widest fabric. It was worth it because the kids love it. The only thing is that it has to hang up, so a tree or a car port or, in our case, our wash line. There are quite a few tutorials on the web to make this type of tent, but it does take a really long time to make and a lot of space to cut out.

 Nicholas said it would make a great changing room, so off went Nathaniel to get a change of clothes and he got changed. He thought it was fantastic!
They also started bringing in 'furniture' to decorate their house. Of course the one night we left it out and our cat decided it was a really nice house for her too.

I made a really nice play mat for my niece. She had been using an old cushion which was too small and made a request for a nice new one. We decided on the princess fabric, of course! It turned out better than I expected. We decided to try a new foam place and they outdid themselves. Instead of just doing a flat foam base, I wanted some sort of raised side. They suggested a wedge. I was skeptical, but the end result was fantastic. It looks like a picture frame and was put together so wonderfully.
 If we had gone to our local foam place we would have paid R100 more for a flat piece, but instead got a fantastic piece for so much cheaper. Amy tested it out for me and she loved it.

I had to hide it so that the kids didn't play with it and dirty it. My niece absolutely adores it and so does my brother! It's called her Princess bed and it goes inside or out, wherever she is.

I had started a project trying to combine a small colouring in book (A5) and some crayons. I finally finished it and it looks great.

My next project was the strawberry bag. When it is all tied up it looks like a strawberry then it unfolds into a bag. It's so cute.

I got this really nice Sponge bob fabric. For those of you who've read this before, I really don't like Sponge bob but it seems to grab me every time! Anyway, I thought of making some cushions from it, as the print was a big Sponge bob and Patrick. I started off with a square and left it for a while then I saw a blog with a round cushion, which made sense. So I whipped one up and it turned out really cute.

 I found some Tinkerbell fabric and want to try the same, hopefully soon. Another project for the list!

I had been talking to some Mom's while doing Tea at school and they said they like the idea of dress up clothes. My kids love dress up!
I've started with some capes. I tried to think of a cape that doesn't have to go around the neck. Those really are not nice even if it's Velcro. I took a t-shirt and cut out a shape of a cape from another fabric. Then I sewed the cape onto the shoulder seams of the t-shirt. It looks really cute but then it's the extra cost of buying a shirt and kids are fussy about colour etc. I then thought about how wings are made. They put the elastic around then arms, which gave me the idea to do the same thing with the cape. It looks so cute and the kids love it. Always a good sign. I haven't taken photos yet, as it's still in the experimental stages. I try everything on my kids, I don't think they mind. I've also tried a mermaid skirt, which didn't go to well, but Amy still loves to wear it.

Another dress up item was inspired by Amy. I was sorting through fabric and she was putting some of my fabric on her head, saying she was a princess. I had the idea of combining a head band and sewing some tulle/organza, into it.
 They look so cute and are easy to put on. This was the best pic I could take. Amy only likes posing for pictures when she wants to. Although it looks cute because she's looking into the mirror. She's very vain!

My next birthday project was for a 1 year old girl. Since I've known her Mom for about 18 years now, I had an idea of what she wanted for her. Which was a Noah's Ark play mat with finger puppets. I got the project off a free quilting/sewing site. Needless to say, the Mom loved it and so did her little one. 
The only problem is that I glued the heads down of the finger puppets, which the instructions say. I'm still kicking myself as I know that babies put everything in their mouth. I think it's because my two are out of that stage now.

Other little projects I've done have been circle skirts and shorts, both Amy have tried.
The Circle skirts were such a success that she didn't want to take them off. When I do something I always take the longest to hem the project. I'm not a fan of hemming, but it has to be done. So Amy went to school with unhemmed skirts! Embarrassing! Anyway, they are both next to my sewing machine to be hemmed, pinned and ready to go.

The shorts were quite funny because they are a bit small for Amy. She loves them, she tried them on and did such a funny pose. She put her hands on her knees and stuck out her bum and wiggled it! It is so hilarious, I can't even tell you how much. I've tried to put those away to give to my friend's baby, but she keeps finding them and wants to wear them. Of course it doesn't help that the fabric has Mickey mouse and Pluto on! She calls it Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which is one programme she loves!

So next on the project list, besides the ones mentioned, are: A teepee tent, a dome tent, more dress up things (cow boy, fairy, pirate, doctor, chef and so much more), some birthdays thrown in the mix, lots of teachers gifts (Amy has 3 teachers this year), PTA and MWC gifts and maybe something for me.
My next big event is displaying at Amy's school in a week's time. Really exciting and hope to have some of the dress up and another tent.

Hopefully my next post comes sooner than the last have been. I don't know how some of these people find time to post everyday!


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